Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth: Difference between revisions

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- Your Code-Hacker abilities have prerequisites for their use aside from your Cyber Sleuth Level. If you can't use one despite your CS Level, check in the Player section of the Digivice menu. Generally it just requires you have a Digimon of a specific Type in your party.
- Your Code-Hacker abilities have prerequisites for their use aside from your Cyber Sleuth Level. If you can't use one despite your CS Level, check in the Player section of the Digivice menu. Generally it just requires you have a Digimon of a specific Type in your party.

Revision as of 08:06, 17 August 2016

- Play on Normal or higher. The game is exceedingly easy, and playing on Easy is so unchallenging you could sleep through it.

- The Digimon's type (Data, Vaccine, or Virus) is more important than the element. Make sure to bring a few Virus-types as well as your favourites because some recurring bosses use Data-type Digimon.

- Resetting the Digimon's level with Digivolution isn't the handicap you first think it is. Their stats remain the same, so don't fret quite so much about throwing your new Level 1 Greymon into a fight.

- Digimon in your Reserves gain EXP at the same rate, but they don't gain CAM (camaraderie/friendship). Only those actually participating do. CAM is generally only really used for the "main" digivolution paths for some of the more notable Digimon (eg; Agumon->Greymon->MetalGreymon)

- Veemon can get two of his DigiEgg Armor Evolutions. The first Digi-Egg is obtained from a bonus boss in the same area of Kowloon as your target for Chapter


. Keep going past your target and you can't miss him.

- Likewise DNA Digivolving is in the game too, all it requires is getting both Digimon's CAM up to 100% along with other prerequisite stats, then select it like any other Digivolution for one with both in your party.

- Your Code-Hacker abilities have prerequisites for their use aside from your Cyber Sleuth Level. If you can't use one despite your CS Level, check in the Player section of the Digivice menu. Generally it just requires you have a Digimon of a specific Type in your party.